Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blog Numero 3

This week was spent studying one of the most important chapters of all. Chapter 4 covered all of the basics to useful hardware in the classroom. I remember quite frankly, sitting in one of my high school classrooms which seemed like many years ago and watching my teacher constantly struggle over her equipment needed to teach. Of course, we, the students were ecstatic because non functioning equipment meant a day where she couldn't teach. Looking back with the knowledge that I have gained throughout college, that memory pains me because my teacher wasted away a day of teaching only because she lacked the knowledge to process computer hardware. Some of the main topics that were covered in this weeks reading were input/output devices, storage media and devices. Input and output devices are pretty self explanatory. Input devices process information INTO the computer whereas output devices transport information OUTSIDE of the computer. The keyboard, mouse, touchpad and pointing stick, trackball, and touch screen are only a few among many input devices. The main advantage to input devices is that they enable you to process data, programs, cmmands, and user responses into the computer. Output devices include monitors, printers, projectors, fax machines, etc. These are all parts of a computer that aid in the process of providing information to the user. Storage media is among one of the most important aspects of a computer system. Without it there would be no point in using a computer and every necessity we would need it for would be pointless. Storage media and devices include various disks, Cd-rom, USB Flash drives, smart cards, etc. These are all so important in the teaching profession and the ability of a computer because anyone and everyone who uses a computer will need to save some bit of information somewhere. Storage media devices help us to save information that is needed later such as a paper, internet information, or lesson plans.

I have to say that I enjoyed this weeks assignment the best thus far. The previous assigments were just so tidious and kind of boring to a sense. The concept maps were a wonderful way to unleash creativity and I loved them because they seem so useful in the teaching profession. I plan on teaching younger children and going into the field of elementary education so for me, the concept maps were perfect because young children need pictures and entertainment to learn. I felt as if the inspiration program had a lot to offer and was very easy to operate.

This year has been extremely stressful for me because I go to school everyday from 8-12 and then off to work. I absolutely love my job but it gets discouraging at times when you have not one bit of time for yourself and to regain your sanity. For those of you that don't know, I am a preschool teacher and have the time of my life teaching ten 3 year olds. They are amazing but definitely a handful so balancing them and school has been a huge struggle. Some days I go into work completely wiped out but try to regain my energy so that I can be the best with my kids. Its amazing how the littlest things can brighten your day and create a whole new perspective on things for you though. As my week dragged on and I counted down the seconds till my weekend started of doing absolutely nothing I received a surprise letter from a parent of a child I had taught in the summer. It was a thank you letter describing how much this mother appreciated what I did for her child. She explained how she was so worried about him because he was the smallest and youngest in his class but that she truly believe that I helped him in so many ways and that she basically entrusted him in my hands. What touched me the most was when she further described that her son had talked about me all the time and would tell her that I gave "big hugs." From that day forward I can honestly say that I have thought back to that one childs' life that I touched and used it as an encouragement factor when I am down in the dumps. Teaching is truly rewarding and I look forward to influencing many more lives for the better. :)

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